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  2. Interview of Thomas Hart Benton by Milton F. Perry about Creation of the Mural at the Truman Library

Interview of Thomas Hart Benton by Milton F. Perry about Creation of the Mural at the Truman Library

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Recording Date(s)
April 21, 1964
Accession Number

Interview with artist Thomas Hart Benton by Harry S. Truman Library museum curator Milton F. Perry about the creation of the Benton Mural, "Independence and the Opening of the West," in the lobby of the Truman Library. Benton goes through the history of the area, and describes the visual elements that make up the mural. This recording is also referred to as the oral history of Thomas Hart Benton.

For the official Oral History transcript, see also:

People Mentioned
Original Format(s)
National Archives Identifier (NAID)